Why i started blogging again.

I use to do beauty blogging, when the boys was small. Something i really enjoyed doing and i was lucky enough to work with so lovely cosmetic brands, to which i always gave honest reviews on the products that they sent me.

One thing always stopped me from being an amazing beauty blogger like some of the talented bloggers out there, and it was being able to actually apply make in way that stood out and showed a talent. So i gave it up, i didn't blog for ages after that family life was what i was all about.

I slipped in to being a mum and nothing else. Then with moving down to Cornwall and the kids being that much older and Mark going off to work every day, i needed something for me.

So i decided to start it all up again, but this time it incorporated my family, and our adventures. Along with things the kids enjoyed doing, so here i am. 

My blog is not huge, and not well know but its that little place i can come to share things.
To share my experiences, my fails as a parent because lets face it no one gives you a hand book of telling you how to do it right.

It's early days yet but i'm really enjoying being back in the blogging world, and working with a few companies. 

I also really enjoy reading other peoples blogs, seeing what there up to, how there parenting lives are going.

I'm just a down to earth mum, raising three humans, and sharing are life. 

So i thank every one of you that supports me by popping over and having a read, i do need to up my game slightly, but i will get there. So thank you!! 

Em x


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