One big competition.

Most of the time i just try to wing my way through life like every bloody day and being a parent there's no handbooks to guide you in the right direction, because there is no right and wrong, I just try to bring my three humans up as best as i can, to be kind, caring, respectful, peaceful humans in a crazy world just trying to get through! 

Don't you feel though that sometimes it all seems like one big competition?

Like who has the cleanest house, who has the biggest following, who's been to the best places, who drive the best car and so on...

Don't get me wrong i'd love a larger following on Instagram but hey ho, maybe one day.

I think its to easy to copy other people, just because there telling you how "perfect" there life is and all that crap doesn't mean its real!

Bloody hell i mean i try to keep on top of the washing, the cleaning but lets face it i'm never going to live in a spotless house, and i can't afford the latest mobile phone or hand bag. I'm just grateful i'm happy my kids are happy and we finally have what we have always wished and wanted for.

So what?

The new trend should be..just be you! 

I'm just happily do MY own thing one step at a time...

I'm not a sheep and don't want to follow the herds of people all heading the same path, this post is not a rant at anyone personally!

I Just think people need to look at the bigger picture, don't spend your time and well earned money buying things to be like other people because some of them get sent them to advertise, there not spending a penny! 

Lets continue to make our own paths and live our lives the way we want to, there is so much pressure to be like other people, own the same things, do the same things. Its like we are living in a robotic world.

You might be sitting here reading this thinking oh shut up your just jealous  your not a massive blogger getting freebies! ha well in fact that's not its all at, social media is a bugger sometimes with people putting up perfect home pictures, perfect selfies, clean this, buy this, do this, visit here, so people find it hard to even make ends meet, but that's OK , don't let the pressure of society  bring your world down.

But a few including myself have started to show the truth behind the lies, the unmade beds, the dirty dishes, the old clothes, our favourite sofa that 10 years old, our small houses, the bloody list goes on!  All that matters is that you are happy in your life.

So you know what, even if you don't agree just don't try to impress other people with falseness, don't waste your money on the latest thing just because some ones reviewed it and said its the best thing since sliced bread! 

Anyway i'll continue to be me and i hope you all continue to be you and not pushed into the herd.

Em x


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