How i keep on top of it all...

Running a home, and parenting three children can be a bloody hard task for anyone!

Luckily for me all three of mine are now at school,
so that's when i get the house back in order!

Once I've finally managed to drag them out of there pits ( this does take a while )

and there eating breakfast, i'll quickly go round ad make there beds, but that as much as i will do i the morning.

After there at school, I'll come home, have a hot drink and a scroll through Social media.

Then get my arse in to gear, i start from bottom to top, and for me a must have is some good cleaning tunes, nothing helps more then a good old sing along while your knee deep in washing, and cleaning products!

If I've got a slow cooker meal in mind for dinner that will all be chucked on before i start cleaning and tidying, as it can just be left to do it thing. I only got a slow cooker last may ( birthday present )
and I've actually really enjoyed using it and finding new recipes to whip up for my hungry tribe!

Back to the cleaning, i'll clean both bathrooms, i love Tesco's toilet wipes because trust me having two boys well i've told them if they can't aim properly then they can sit down ( which didnt go down to well ) hoover the carpets, pick up the huge amount of toys my children seem to struggle putting these items back in there places ( i have no idea why ) must be a kid thing?!

Give it all a freshen up, then hoover the stairs while trying not to kill myself with the wire and hose in the bloody way! Don't get me wrong i absolutely love my Hetti hoover but now we are in a house i really think they way forward is going to be a cordless hoover! ( safety first and all )

back downstairs I'll hoover the floors then zoflo ( peach paradise )  and apple floor wipes ( anything fruit smelling i love ) it and give them a good mop, because since having kids i didn't even realise floors could get in such a mess after one meal!

Give the work tops a wipe over with Tesco's citrus wipes, love the citrus! ( as long as it does the job i wont pay an arm and a leg for cleaning products )

To be honest that's pretty much it apart from doing a few loads of washes, I've never know three kids to go through so many clothes, its like there living the super model life changing what seems to be like every bloody five mins then throwing that on the floor! ( because i didn't buy you a dirty wash basket each )

I do like having a clean but it is so much easier with the kids not being here, when they was little it always seemed so pointless i'd clean one room start another then there would be toys and splatted food everywhere!

I just have a little clean around every day as to not make it such a mission on a Saturday, but that's normally when i have my big clean, and i'll get the kids involved as my daughter does love to have a go of the hoover!

Just trying to make it easier really does work, i'll also try and meal prep for the week so i know what i'm cooking for dinner, and if like i say i can start that in the morning i will, but i am one for a routine, its like i can't seem to function with out knowing whats going on, so meal prepping is something i will always do. I make sure when i'm doing my online shop i'll buy everything i need for the weeks meals, the only time i don't meal prep is the weekend, because sometimes its nice to go out and have someone else do it all for you while you enjoy it!

Just a little insight to how i run my home,

Em x


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